Product Introduction

Independent review for Channel HouseFresh. This video is not sponsored.

Demonstration of exceptional smoke purification ability and portability

User manual

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What type of the plug will I get?

We have stock in US, Canada, UK, German, Australia with local plugs. So you will get the right plug of local standard.

What are the CADR on different voltage?

The CADR will be different when the fans are running on different voltage.
For the "CE certified" Edition:
12.6V: 430 CFM
12V: 413 CFM
9V: 328 CFM
6V: 213 CFM
For the "CARB certified" Edition:
6 - 413CFM
5 - 374CFM
4 - 321CFM
3 - 247CFM
2 - 141CFM
1 - 57CFM

Does the 3Pro have carbon filters?

The original 3Pro filters are pure HEPA filters.

However, in our shop, we offer replacement filters that combine HEPA and activated carbon. These filters effectively capture particulate matter and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) simultaneously, making them especially useful during wildfire season.

How frequently should I replace the filter?

The frequency of filter replacement is closely tied to factors such as the density of particulate matter (PM) in the environment, room size, natural air exchange rate through windows, and the operating voltage of the air purifier.

In an environment with an average PM2.5 level of 10 µg/m³, filters typically need to be replaced every nine months. However, if PM2.5 levels rise to 90 µg/m³ during wildfire season, replacement may be necessary every month.

It is generally advised to replace the filter at least once a year.

If I want to take it to another countries which has a different voltage/Hz, do I need a voltage changer?

If you plan to take it to another country with a different voltage or frequency, you won't need a voltage changer. The power adapter is compatible with voltages between 100-240V and 50-60Hz. However, you will need a travel adapter to convert the plug type for the outlet in that country.

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